Royal Library of Denmark Copenhagen largest library in Scandinavia pictures

Some of the world’s most amazing library list will be incomplete if we do not mention the name of, “The Royal Library of Denmark”, in Copenhagen. The library is one of the largest libraries in Scandinavia. The library has preserved the works of some of the famous authors from 17th century. The word “royal” is associated with golden glamour, place elements and traditions. This amazing building is the blend of old and modern books which allows youth and old together to come to this amazing library.

The library was established in the year 1648 by King Frederick III. Public access to the library was allowed since 1793. The funds were united with the library funds of the Copenhagen University in 1989 and funds of the National Library of natural science and medicine.
It is amazing to see how the library has been preserved and kept intact with over 4 centuries.
During 1968 and 1978, more than 1600 historical books were stolen which were worth $50 million. The thief who was the head of the department of sold books worth 2 million dollars he was later caught and 1500 books were recovered.