Body Dysphoria

mens disorder

While it’s not uncommon these days to see women who are body-image conscious — or potentially even take this to the extreme and have an eating disorder — males are not immune to this issue either.

More and more, as the media is broadcasting men sporting muscular bodies, onlookers are feeling pressured to measure up and are taking their training to the next level to achieve the physical perfection they seek.

Unfortunately, this can come at a costly price.

what is body dysphoria?

To start, it’s important to clarify the relationship between body dysphoria and body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysphoria is used to describe general feelings of sadness or an uncomfortable mood. It can include feeling great anxiety, irritability or restlessness. The opposite of these feelings would be euphoria, which is characterized by feelings of elation and joy.

Body dysmorphic disorder, on the other hand, occurs when you have a preoccupation about some quality in your appearance. This negative view of yourself can lead to body dysphoria as feelings of sadness, low-self esteem and potentially even self-hate set in.

When it comes to eating disorders in relation to body dysphoria, those suffering tend to view themselves as being larger than they really are. They’ll look in the mirror and their mind will see an altered image looking back. This is one type of body dysphoria because perception of reality is distorted, and they experience extreme anxiety over how their body looks.

On the other hand, another type of body dysphoria more commonly seen in men is when looking in that same mirror the image looking back appears to be smaller, rather than larger.

These men see themselves as being “scrawny,” when their main goal is to become more muscular. They feel they don’t measure up to the standards of today and they are ashamed of their current body image. This altered image does not necessarily have to be strictly related to muscle mass either. The individual may feel their body is not proportioned correctly or they may find some other body part to feel ashamed of.

Once again, this is a distortion of reality and affects the way those suffering from body dysphoria think and feel about themselves.

Signs of body dysphoria

The specific signs of body dysphoria are unique to the individuals who are experiencing them; however, there are some common indications that a problem may be at work, and should be watched for.

* Frequent checking oneself in the mirror
* Constantly flexing the muscles in efforts to gauge progress levels
* Consuming vast amounts of foods in attempt to get larger
* Avoidance of going out because of the belief that one doesn’t look good
* Wearing large, baggy clothing to hide one’s appearance
* Spending an overabundance of hours in the gym, trying to bulk up
* Not taking compliments well
* Talking negatively about one’s appearance

It can sometimes be hard to spot the difference between body dysphoria and someone who is simply really dedicated to building muscle mass. The key trait to look for is that those with body dysphoria will really have an impacted self-esteem because of their image, and their mental state will be drastically affected. While the person who wants to build mass will make this mission important to them, it won’t start to affect other areas of their life. The individual with body dysphoria, however, may start avoiding public situations in order to hide what they believe to be a very negative appearance.

Consequences of body dysphoria
The resulting consequences of having body dysphoria can vary across individuals depending on how severe the condition is. These are some key consequences to keep in mind:

* Depression
* Loss of friendships due to social withdrawal
* Overtraining syndrome from spending too much time in the gym without sufficient rest
* Decreased performance at work or school due to continual worrying and decreased concentration levels
* Bloating due to food intake
* Decreased pleasure from activities formerly enjoyed

What to do about it
Just like any psychological disorder, it is best to talk to a professional if you feel like you might be suffering from this condition. If it is only a mild form of dysphoria, you may be able to work through it yourself by reading various self-help books on self-confidence and self-esteem, and by talking to close friends about the way you feel.

On the other hand, if it’s more serious, and especially if you are showing many of the symptoms listed above, then you should talk to a psychologist or counselor because it likely is having a direct impact on your ability to function properly in life.

While it may not be as physically dangerous as an eating disorder since, in most cases you will be taking in enough food (often taking in more food than needed), it can be just as psychologically troublesome.

Another thing those suffering from body dysphoria should do is stay away, as much as possible, from viewing men’s fitness magazines, as these will serve to promote feelings that you must “measure up” to what you see. Keep reminding yourself that these images have been digitally altered, and very few men in real life obtain such bodies.

Additionally, journaling can be an excellent — and private — way to get your thoughts out if you don’t feel comfortable talking to friends or family. Many times, simply writing out what you are feeling will help you come to realize that your perception is flawed, and that life really isn’t going to be all that much better if you obtain this illusive goal you are so desperately seeking.

see who you really are
So, if you or someone you know has been spending a little too much time in the gym and is being overly critical about their looks, it might be a good idea to take action. If this problem is treated in the very early stages it is much easier to overcome, but if it’s left to go on and build, it can be detrimental to the level of self-esteem for years to come, and serious depression may result.