Hurley Boardshorts review for men

hurley broadshorts
Trend Factor: 9 / 10

Gone are the days of fluorescent-colored Bermuda shorts and hypercolor shirts, but that doesn’t mean that the beachwear trend has washed out to sea. Sport a pair of Hurley Boardshorts this summer and you’ll be catching more girls than waves.

Practicality Factor: 7 / 10
No one likes to look like a slouch when they’re at the beach or the pool, and that’s why Hurley Boardshorts are perfect for your water sports. The entire line is made of polyester, making them quick to dry (which is ideal for quick dips on hot days) and easy to wash.

Longevity Factor: 8 / 10

In the last few years we’ve seen shorter versions of “boardshorts,” which means that these longer Hurley Boardshorts will remain in fashion for the next few years. And while you’ll be sporting your shorts for a couple of years, you’ll be thankful for the heavy overlocked seams and tough fabric.

Wow Factor: 8 / 10

Throw on a pair of Hurley Boardshorts and your friends will be amazed at the disappearance of your Speedo and running-short-style bathing suit.

Where to get it:

Shop online at

Rating: 8 / 10<