“Nag a ram” is a google joke, much like other “did you mean” options that google comes up with. We still don’t know what this “nag a ram” means and why google is suggesting such a term, I think “nag a ram” is a highly searched term may be sites like 4chan or reddit have been searching this. Or it can just be a “Easter egg”, the thing to remember is that google searches are automated and no human interversion is involved to edit the search results.
Anagram is a name of a company, also an English word from Wikipedia. Why would google not show the word anagram and suggest a different word is hard to know. For the record, the accepted definition of anagram is “a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema, formed from iceman.”
For now we will end this story hope a google employee will soon answer our questions on the offical google blog till then keep searching Anagram and you will see did you mean==”nag a ram”