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Increase your internet speed 100% working trick

Here are Registry Tweaks and Scroll down to see Patches 1.Increase bandwidth by tweaking QoS in Windows XP Pro The following tweak applies only to Windows XP Professional edition. The default system behavior is that all 100% bandwidth is available, however, if there is a running application that indicates to the OS it needs to… Read More »

Why I Will Never Have a Girlfriend

Why don’t I have a girlfriend? This is a question that practically every male has asked himself at one point or another in his life. Unfortunately, there is rarely a hard and fast answer to the query. Many men try to reason their way through the dilemma nonetheless, often reaching a series of ridiculous explanations,… Read More »

Why do I need insurance

If you were to die could your family or dependants, pay for your funeral, organize the financial affairs, service pre-existing debt and continue their current standard of living without you? This is why life insurance is important. If you were to be seriously injured could you pay for your hospital costs, ongoing treatment, time off… Read More »

Smallest girl ever

I found a great article about this little child unfortunately it was in russian so the english as translated by translator isnt very good I hope you can understand the pictures rather then words.

Top 10: Awful American Idol Auditions

Though American Idol has produced some bona fide stars since kicking off its massively successful run back in 2002, including Clay Aiken and Carrie Underwood — there’s little doubt that the show has given a legion of woefully untalented contestants a forum with which to aurally attack viewers the world over. And while there are… Read More »

Chuck Norris goes to court over book

Apparently, Chuck Norris can’t impregnate women with just a glance. The “Missing in Action” star says “The Truth About Chuck Norris” is riddled with lies intended to trade off his name.

Animals from the future

Animals from the near future Do you know how animals will look in the near future no here is a preview for you then take a look rabbits wolfs antelopes and many other animals including rats and bats bears

2008 Astro predictions for all Zodiacs

2008 Astro predictions for all Zodiacs Applying your mind, not your muscle! Overcoming obstacles is your major task for 2008, Aries, and the passage of Pluto into Capricorn will definitely throw a few impediments in your path. And these hurdles could involve all departments of life – love, career, money, family, hobbies, etc. The worst… Read More »