Hindi comics raj comics hero starring Kobi and Bhediya Aahuti comics. Kobi is the animal version of bhedia, while Bhedia is the human version, Kobi has the weapons of Vulfano.
The story begins in 7009, O Son of Kobe’s miraculous powers were the Prkrthy. But her powers taken away they are by themselves with the brain Prkrthy. Kobe picked up unconsciously alive an age-old curse Hey. O on the verge of destroying the earth. One guard Kobe now looking for a cut of that curse o. For which the destruction of the earth before him, O my age-old history to know. O curse of his struggle and a dark conspiracy O. Both the thirsty person over his very being. Painful history of our ancestors understood, knowing that they will have to give it to Atmshuddhi O Holocaust
Here is Aahuti comics for download ==> download here