Tadipaar Bankelal Comics

2002 comics from raj comics starring Bankelal Tadipaar

bankelal, vikram singh and other funny characters in this hindi comics. Bankelal is a funny comics hero from Raj comics, he has been cursed by Lord Shiva that whatever bad deeds he will do will turn into good. Bankelal has only one aim in life that is to become the king of Vishalgarh by over throwing the current King Vikram Singh but he has never succeeded find out what he is doing in his new comics, read online on rajcomics store link provided below.Tadipar is a long story where the place named tadipar houses people who have been thrown out of their country due to some crime. This is where a person named Ghongha or sea shell comes up and starts to create chaos in the city of Vishalgarh where Bankelal lives. This demon bites the King Vikram Singh and he starts to transform into a slug, Bankelal is given the task of finding the cure. He goes onto a sea shore where he meets Tikadam Singh who had spent his childhood in Tadipaar country. He comes and takes the King Vikram Singh into confidence and makes Bankelal belittled infront of the king. He is also looking to take over the throne, how will Bankelal manage to defeat him can be found in the comics.

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