It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Indian specially Hindu marriages are lavish and expensive. Indian millionaire Yogesh Mehta living in Itlay showed the same. He spend approximately 14 million pounds on 3 day marriage ceremony of his son Rohan Mehta. There were over 500 guests who had put up in the best hotels around the city. Yogesh is the founder of Petrochem in Dubai and has approx 623$ millions worth of money.
The marriage took place in November 2015 where Rohan married to his bride Roshni who works in fashion and was born and raised in London. The marriage saw performers dancers and everything you can think of in a lavish marriage ceremony. Here are the pictures of the ceremony.
The performers who danced and sung at the event
The couple Roshni and Rohan dancing
The couple Roshni and Rohan Mehta dancing
The pretty Roshni and Rohan
The couple Roshni and Rohan dancing to the tune
Performers from across the world were called at the event
The decoration of the wedding of Yogesh Mehta’s son
The food from the best
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