Lemon or Lime is good for hair with abundant amount of Vitamin C it gives shine and gloss to hairs it is also good on oily hairs. Lemon lightens hair and protects from Ultraviolet rays from sun. Just using lime would make your hairs smell like lemons, there it is recommended that you use the shampoo which can be made at home here is a small way on how to make lemon juice shampoo at home. It can also turn it orangey if your hair is dark, but this method works great for blondes and lighter browns. You need several hours in the sun each day, for a few days in a row in order for this to work (Much like using Sun-In), so you should use Sunscreen, too, to protect your skin if you choose to try using the natural lemon juice method. Here is how to make lemon juice Shampoo at home.
Ingredients Needed for Lemon Shampoo:
* 1/4 cup liquid vegetable-based soap
* 2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
* 1/4 cup water
* 1 lemon
* Grater
* Sauce pan
* Spoon
* Strainer
* Plastic shampoo bottle
* Mixing bowl
1. Step 1
Grate the outer part of a lemon’s skin until you have a teaspoon of the yellow. This is called lemon zest. You can also save it for future use.
2. Step 2
Heat the soap, lemon juice, lemon zest and water in the sauce pan for two minutes. Do not allow the mixture to hiss or boil. Use medium heat.
3. Step 3
Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. This will probably take about 10 minutes.
4. Step 4
Strain out the lemon zest. You can catch the shampoo in the mixing bowl.
5.Step 5
Store your homemade lemon shampoo in the plastic shampoo bottle. You can use this shampoo every day. Rinse thoroughly after every use.