“Wrath of the Titans” can be said as the sequel to the first movie “Clash of the Titans”. The story of the movie follows after a decade when Perseus, who is a demigod and son of Zeus is attempting to live a life of a normal man, fishing and a sole parent to his 10 year old son named Helius. Meanwhile in the other world, the struggle for power and supermacy strikes between gods and Titans. Weaked by the lack of faith and devotion by humans in Gods. The Gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their powerful leader Kronos. Kronos who is the father of Zeus, Hades and Poseidon.
Perseus comes to the rescue when Hades, along with Zeus’ godly son, Ares (Edgar Ramírez), switch loyalty and make a deal with Kronos to capture Zeus. The titans become stronger but will Perseus manage to defeat the Titans and save his father Zeus we need to see and watch out.
The first part of the movie Clash of the Titans was an amazing movie filled with special effects and tremendous action sequences. Will the sequel be better than the last one and will it live up to the expectation we need to find out.
Their are mixed reviews about the movie on the net but no wonder everyone is loving the action.
Here is the trailer and some pictures.
Wrath of the Titans Trailer