Top 10: Awful American Idol Auditions

Though American Idol has produced some bona fide stars since kicking off its massively successful run back in 2002, including Clay Aiken and Carrie Underwood — there’s little doubt that the show has given a legion of woefully untalented contestants a forum with which to aurally attack viewers the world over. And while there are… Read More »

Bankelal aur Cheenti Ghati

Another Bankelal comics from raj comics in hindi Bankelal aur cheentighati is the story of how Bankelal lands in Cheentighati along with his king VikramSingh together will they be able to survive the problems coming their way find out by reading this amazing comics.

Doga Tere Karan

here is another Doga comics from raj comics store in hindi 9 MB· Doga is an action hero from raj comics he is brutal and can talk with dogs. Latest Doga comics from Born Blood series in HQ showing action hero Doga beat up bad guys.

Happy New year sms

Happy New year sms Here are some cool new year sms check them out some greetings for 2008

Nikal Pada Doga

Nikal Pada Doga Raj comics hero doga new comics nikal pada doga in hindi Suraj was a skinny orphan who was found as an infant in a rubbish dump by Daku Halkan Singh, a ruthless Dacoit, who brought him up, but treated him like a dog (and called him that). While in Halkan’s care, the… Read More »

4 Steps To: Overcoming Jealousy

Jealousy is a bad thing: It makes you break into a sweat every time she wants to go out with the girls. It causes your stomach to sink at every mention of male friends, colleagues and ex-boyfriends. It leaves you unable to sleep, obsessing over what she’s doing with whom. Jealousy, in short, will turn… Read More »

What Is Menopause ?

Just like puberty, menopause is a normal part of life. It is really the end of a long, slow process. When you are in your mid-30’s, your ovaries begin to change how much estrogen and progesterone, two female hormones, they make. These are both important for normal menstrual cycles and successful pregnancy. Estrogen helps to… Read More »

Chuck Norris goes to court over book

Apparently, Chuck Norris can’t impregnate women with just a glance. The “Missing in Action” star says “The Truth About Chuck Norris” is riddled with lies intended to trade off his name.

Kolahal Nagraj Dhruv comics

Kolahal Nagraj Dhruv comics Final comics in the Dracula series from raj comics starring Nagraj and super commando Dhruv in hindi. Kolahal is a comics starring Nagraj and Super Commando Dhruv, both are the super heroes from Raj comics, where Dhruv has exceptional mental skills and abilities, Nagraj has super human strength and snakes in… Read More »