Category Archives: Comics

Rare Hindi comics, which can no more be found in Indian comics market these are rare Hindi comics published earlier in the 80’s 90’s. You can also find some latest Hindi comics from Raj comics, Diamond comics etc can be downloaded from their store or read online in HQ pdf. Get Nagraj, Doga, Dhruv and Chacha Chaudhary comics.

Axe Mind Games 72 Ghante Aadam other upcoming comics preview

Axe, Mind Games, 72 Ghante, Aadam, Doga Baba, Adravan Doga, Hatyara Tv, Negatives, are some of the upcoming comics from Raj comics latest sets, the drawings look good so does the story. The story of Axe continues from the previous comics Alter ego, while other comics like Aadam and Negatives are from Nagraj series.

Mrityujivi Nagraj Comics September October set Raj comics Mrityujivi

Mrityujivi is an apocalypse comics which stars Nagraj the famous snake man from Raj comics as its hero. Everyone in the world has been infected by a deadly virus and is becoming demon. People have become cannibals and are eating each other. See how Nagraj is able to overcome this huge army of infected zombies… Read More »