Probably for those who live their second lives on MySpace, this gaming site launch is not such a big surprise, but for me it is. Everybody knows that MySpace is the most popular social network site
that allows you to do almost anything that it is possible in a virtual world: friends make friends, people gain popularity over night with their blogs, artists launch music singles and promote their work… everything you can think of!
But it seems that bonding without playing some cool, funny games, is not as interesting as it should be, so MySpace has decided to solve that problem, too, and to quietly launch their gaming site. Already filled with flash games that range from single player arcade, puzzle or strategy and beloved multiplayer titles like pool or darts, the site only has 63 users online at the moment we’re writing this article but the number will probably be thousand times bigger after the news spreads out.
At the moment, the site doesn’t seem to aim for an “innovation” award, especially if we consider that everybody knows how looks like and… well… let’s say that MySpace games looks like a little, less colored brother. Still, that will probably be no problem with the already registered user that will eventually become part of the ever growing casual games community, following the addictive little games available on the website (Desktop Towers, Chicken Invaders, Bricks of Atlantis – they’re all there).
So, I guess that only time will tell if MySpace is really a suitable place for MyGames or it should’ve sticked to the MyBlogAndMusicAndStuff thing that already drove so many youngsters (and not only) crazy. One thing is certain, though: they have the public, most of which is surely in the “casual gamer” category, they have the games and they have everything that it is needed to promote their website. Still, they have some great competition, too, from websites that have already established themselves and are known by the public. Success or failure? We’ll see in the next couple of months.